Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Picture of the Day.

Finished Picture:  I channeled my fear of dogs in to a creative outlet and came up with this masterpiece via Snapseed.  Though this picture is very grainy, to paraphrase Gordon Gecko, "Grainy, for lack of a better word, is good."  Though the subject is way off-center, blurry, in motion, and the picture is grainy, it actually works very well and I love how the sienna/umbra color coordinates so well with the vicious dog.  

Original Picture:  People often ask me, "Jimmy, why do you have a fear of dogs?"  I typically respond that I do not have a fear of dogs insomuch as I have a fear of being bitten and going to the Emergency Room - AGAIN.  When I think of dogs I often picture them in a pose similar to this - fangs bared at me, ready to strike and hungry for the taste of Jimmy.  Those teeth are razor sharp and make a Piranha look like an old man with dentures.  I reek of fear around dogs, and dogs are attracted to that scent like honeybees to daisies.

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