Final Masterpiece: Wow, this looks pretty cool! This is what a tiny little fly looks like on a concrete basketball court as the sun sets. As you can see, I needed to jazz up the picture quite a bit to get the desired results. That's okay - I have 10 minutes to spare, my iPad, and some really cool apps. First, I cropped the pic so that the fly was as big as possible. Next, I sharpened the picture, but not so much that it developed that goofy "over-sharp" look. Then I tweaked the Brightness, Ambience, Saturation, Contrast, and added a little more Sharpness. After that it was time to run it through the Noise Reduction cycle. This is actually a real challenge, as too much washes out all the nice detail, and not enough makes it too grainy. But the finished results look pretty cool - a nice iridescent shimmer on the wings, and all the delicate features and hairs are accentuated on my little fly friend.
***Editor's Note: I am so sad - my little fly friend passed away. :-( Did you know that flies typically only live up to 14 days? I think I may have taken this picture on day 13-3/4. RIP Fredrico the fly. |
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