Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Pictures of the Day.

Cheatham Street Warehouse in San Marcos, Texas:  The original was under-exposed due to it being rainy at the time.  I corrected this using an HDR app, and though I over-processed it, like every pic on this page, it is a learning process.  Ideally I would have gone to the limits with the ambiance, saturation and detail, and then dialed it back a little, but I failed to do that on these pics.  Live and learn.

Downtown Austin, Texas:  A nice shot using my Olloclip wide angle lens one morning.  I have had my Olloclip for a week now, and all the shots on this page have been taken this week while I am trying to get the hang of using the lenses.  The wide angle is fun to use when taking pics of buildings and objects that will be affected by the lens wanting to curve the straight edges.

Flower Bud:  What a neat shot.  The actual bud is smaller than a pea, but with my Macro lens I was able to really zoom in on it.  The neat thing about a macro lens is that it gives you the opportunity to look in on a world you would never otherwise see.  

Little Debbie:  How can anyone disparage cute Little Debbie and her snack cakes?  What's up with that?  Another under-exposed original that got a bit over-processed, but there is a learning curve in all this stuff and I still like the shot.  SH either likes Little Debbie or hates her.  Why the hate?

Downtown Austin, Texas:  This came out a little overworked in my photo app, but it was a dark shot (I shot in to the sun) and because of that I over-processed it.  It is a nice shot though.  A good ad for Bulwark Exterminating Company.  Remember, if you have scorpions, call Bulwark.  Or drive around downtown and try to find them (the choice is yours).

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