Friday, February 17, 2012

Favorite Pictures of The Week

Original:  This picture is so boring that I fell asleep twice just taking it.  Please do not look at this picture while you drive - you might fall asleep too.

Finished Picture:  A perfect example that answers the question, "What can I do with all my crummy pictures that are so incredibly boring I fall asleep looking at them?"  Taken in the morning after taking my son to school.  Having to fulfill my quotient of "streets and electrical poles", I found a perfect subject.  Snapseed did the rest and I was just along for the ride.  Have you ever heard about the gorilla that painted pictures that sold for $$$?  I wonder what that gorilla could do with an iPhone and Snapseed.

Original:  The original picture is actually pretty good and has some merit.  The subject is interesting, it fulfills my sign quotient for the week, it has the number 4 in it, and I love the blue light.  Fun Fact:  Elvis Presley would have been 44 if he had lived two more years.

Finished Picture:  Taken in my favorite parking garage (see below) in the afternoon on my iPhone with my favorite new app, Snapseed. 

Original:  Just a boring picture of a boring parking garage taken on a boring day because I was bored.
Finished Picture: I recently started using an app on my iPad called, Instagram.  It is a great way to post your photography and have others look at it and rate it - a great way to get feedback on your work.  One of the fellow Instagram photographers posted their work and mentioned that they had achieved some really nice results in an app called, Snapseed.  I must have dyslexia because I thought it was called, Snapspeed, which sounds more appropriate.  Anyhow, I quickly checked out the app, bought it, and one of the fist pics I created was this above - a pic taken in a parking garage one afternoon.  The original pic was nothing exciting, but I liked the subject so I thought it would be interesting to see what I could do with it.

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